In my lab we use a diversity of techniques to discover how evolution shapes genomes and how the genetic variation created in the genome influences the course of evolution. Check out my research page to see the projects going on in my lab. There are always opportunities to get involved in research in my lab and watch this page to keep up to date on what's happening.
Graduate Students
Why study in the Ness lab?
Get paid to do research
Combine field/laboratory and computational science
Interact with scientists at Canada’s top research university
Choose from 2 top graduate programs:
The Ness lab is only accepting fully funded graduate students (M.Sc. or Ph.D.). In our lab you’ll have the chance to combine field work, experimental evolution, and molecular biology with genomics to study how the genome influences patterns of biological diversity. Students will be able to develop their own interests and/or join ongoing projects including the effects of de novo mutations, variation in recombination rates and how mutation and recombination influence adaptation and genetic drift to shape evolution. Check out my research page for more information about ongoing projects and opportunities.
Rob is a member of both the Cell and Systems Biology (CSB) and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) graduate programs that span across all three campuses of University of Toronto. The diversity of research labs in these two programs offers incredible opportunity for intellectual and professional growth. The EEB program has a short 16-month MSc program designed to give students a concentrated experience of what its like to be researcher, while CSB is 24 months. MSc students can convert to the PhD program that will give you comprehensive training at the leading edge of biological research. In the Department of Biology at University of Toronto @ Mississauga there are ~30 research labs providing a stimulating research environment and graduate students in the lab will be encouraged to travel to national and international conferences.
I encourage applicants from a wide diversity of backgrounds including Biology, Computer Science or Mathematics. Expertise in evolutionary biology, genomics, population genetics, bioinformatics and computer programming is great but not strictly necessary.
Applications and queries should be sent to me @ Please include a short statement of interest (<1 page), with a CV and a copy of your transcript.
There are always numerous competitions available to secure postdoctoral funding to work with me. If you are interested, eligible and competitive please contact me and we can potentially develop a research plan together. I am especially interested in PhD graduates with a strong record of publication in the fields of evolutionary biology, population genetics and genomics. Here are a few opportunities
I will be advertising a variety of projects geared for the Research Opportunity Program (299Y & 399Y) and for BIO481Y.
The Ness Lab
UNiversity of Toronto @ Mississauga
Mississauga, Ontario