Madeleine Oman, PhD candidate

Genomicist and bioinformatician by training, my PhD focuses on using statistical learning models to understand the predictors of mutation.


Select papers

  1. Oman M, Ness R. 2024 (in press) Comparing the predictors of mutability among healthy human tissues inferred from mutations in single cell genome data, Genentics ,

  2. Johnson MTJ, Arif I, Marchetti F, Munshi-South J, Ness RW, Szulkin M, Verrelli BC, Yauk CL, Anstett DN, Booth W, Caizergues AE, Carlen EJ, Dant A, González J, Lagos CG, Oman M, Phifer-Rixey M, Rennison DJ, Rosenberg MS, Winchell KM. Effects of urban-induced mutations on ecology, evolution and health. Nat Ecol Evol. 2024 Jun;8(6):1074-1086. doi: 10.1038/s41559-024-02401-z. Epub 2024 Apr 19. PMID: 38641700.

  3. Madeleine Oman, Aqsa Alam, Rob W Ness, How Sequence Context-Dependent Mutability Drives Mutation Rate Variation in the Genome, Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 14, Issue 3, March 2022, evac032,